Civic Innovation Community Interest Company (CIC) is dedicated to revitalizing disused land and buildings in the borough of Fylde through a variety of innovative activities. Each activity is carefully designed to address specific community needs and priorities while fostering social, economic, and environmental benefits for residents. Here are some examples of activities undertaken by Civic Innovation and their associated community benefits:

Our Ambition

  • Regeneration

    Adaptive Reuse of Buildings: Civic Innovation identifies vacant or underutilized buildings and repurposes them into vibrant community spaces. These spaces may include affordable housing units, co-working spaces for local entrepreneurs and small businesses, art galleries, performance venues, or educational facilities. By breathing new life into neglected structures, Civic Innovation creates opportunities for community members to connect, collaborate, and thrive, while preserving Fylde's architectural heritage.

  • Green Spaces

    Community Gardens, Play Areas and Urban Farming: Civic Innovation transforms vacant lots and derelict land into community gardens and urban farming initiatives. These green spaces provide residents with access to fresh, locally grown produce, promote healthy lifestyles, and strengthen social bonds through shared gardening activities. Additionally, urban agriculture projects contribute to environmental sustainability by improving air quality and enhancing biodiversity

  • Art

    Public Art Installations: Civic Innovation collaborates with local artists and community groups to create public art installations that beautify public spaces and inspire civic pride. These artworks serve as focal points for community engagement and cultural expression, fostering a sense of identity and belonging among residents. Public art also stimulates economic activity by attracting visitors, supporting local businesses, and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the borough.

  • Events

    Community Events and Markets: Civic Innovation organizes community events and markets that celebrate Fylde's cultural heritage, and creativity. These events bring residents together in celebration and camaraderie, promoting social cohesion and cific pride. Community events also stimulate economic activity by attracting visitors, supporting local vendors and businesses, and showcasing Fylde as a vibrant destination for leisure and recreation.